Download KJV to Your Computer or Mobile Device NO ADS and It is FREE!

You may download the eKJV by Douglas E. Nevill, Sr. FREE from this site. 

All versions that you may download are AD Free and Free to download and/or distribute as long as you do NOT sell them or alter them in any way.

  • For all versions, once you have downloaded, you can run the program WITHOUT an internet connection!

I have provided all possible options for you, including:

  • Downloading a Simple Text File
  • Downloading a Complete HTML document (that you an run using any browser on any desktop or laptop PC)
  • Downloading an Android App
  • Downloading an Apple App

You may also use the eKJV online, of course.

Tap on any link below.

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Download KJV to Your Computer or Mobile Device NO ADS and It is FREE!

Download KJV to Your Computer or Mobile Device NO ADS and It is FREE!

eKJV App for Android and Apple

We are building an App for the eKJV for both Android & Apple devices that will be available soon for download FREE.  Like the HTML project, it will be AD FREE as well.  Of course, we will accept donations, but it will not be sold.

When they are available, they will be downloadable by the links below.


Windows or Apple for Desktops, Laptops and Pads?

For these machines, you can simply download the files above and load either the index.html or the Home.html page using your favorite browser.  It will load the complete files LOCALLY.  

You will NOT need an internet connection once you have the ekjv project downloaded to your local machine.

Apple or Android for Smart Phones? 

You will NOT need an internet connection once you have the ekjv project downloaded to your smartphone, but you WILL need a LOCAL HTML reader.

For Android, you will need an HTML local file reader.  Here is a free one that I have used that works well you can download from google play.

For Apple, you will need an HTML viewer as well.  Here is one that may work for you from the Appstore.  It is free.

Can I save an HTML file to my iPhone and open in Safari?

This may work for you as well ... 

Internet Connection?

The only time you will need a connection to the internet is when you first download the eKJV.  Once it is on your device(s), it will run from your "local" device.  All of the files are on your own device (PC, Laptop, Pad, Smart Phone).  

You may use the online version as well.  There are additional resources available online, including a search function.

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The eKJV is a website that provides an easy to use King James Version Bible tool online with both a simple and advanced search function as well as a free (and always Ad Free), downloadable KJV in plain HTML that you may read offline with any computer or mobile device.