
This website (eKJV.org) is a personal project of mine that I developed because I was looking for this online myself and could not find it.
The resource that I used to get the copy of the KJV was provided by the University of Michigan.
At the time of development, all of the source files were on this folder: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kjv/browse.html
Yes, It is 100% Free with No Ads Ever!
This website itself may have some ads, but the downloadable eKJV will never have ads.
- See the Complete, Downloadable eKJV (will open in a new window)
- Visit the Download Page to Get Your Own Copy
This is NOT an App
There are plenty of apps out there that require a mobile device and special applications in order to work. The ekjv is a simple, HTML website that you can download to any computer or mobile device, launch it and read it using any web browser that you have installed on the device.
You do NOT need an internet connection for it to work! You are "hosting" the complete eKJV on your own device and it only requires 11.8 mb of storage.
- Visit Download Page
- See the Complete, Downloadable eKJV (will open in a new window)
- Or Downoad a Complete (flat file) of the KJV Bible Here
The eKJV Website
There are additional tools (the search, for example), that requires an engine to run, so you will need to use the website for that function and more.
I will be adding more content to the website, but it will not be included in the downloadable version of the eKJV.

Who am I?
My name is Douglas E. Nevill (Sr.) and at the time of this publication I reside in Port Angeles, Washington.
I became a follower of Jesus Christ when I was 17 years old while living in Texas.
I committed my life to Jesus Christ as a result of reading the Bible, in particular a King James Version of the Bible that my mother gave me for Christmas in 1971.