The Berean Fellowship

The Berean Fellowship is a personal project of mine (Douglas E. Nevill).
I love reading and studying the Bible, which I believe to the Holy Scriptures inspired by God the Creator.
I served as a bi-vocational pastor for twenty years and then I needed to "make tents" full-time to try and better meet the needs of my family.
Having a background in publishing, I started a business providing website development and internet marketing services in the early days of the internet and have since created several SAAS (software as a service) programs.
My Bible Reading and Bible Study Habits
Simple. I read the Bible, usually a complete book at a sitting. For example, I would read the entire book of Genesis. It only takes a couple of hours to read the book.
Sounds Good, but Ain't True
Having been an earnest student of the Bible since I became a follower of Jesus Christ as a teenager, with the conviction that the Words I was reading were from God, I paid close attention to them and "hid them in my heart." I think I have a better than average ability to memorize things and ended up memorizing Scriptures without actually working on it, just as a result of re-reading (studying) them.
Thus, I became more than familiar with the Words of the Bible.
Testing My Teachers
I attended a Bible college as a young man because I wanted to learn the Bible more, but most often discovered that the teachers had either not read the Bible as much as I had, or they simply ignored it.
They would say things that "sounded good" but contradicted the Bible. My heart would sink as I heard what had to have been the majority of the class saying "amen" when my heart was saying "not so."
The Scriptures are NEVER Self-Contradictory
Contradictions in the Scriptures may seem to be apparent, but they are not actual. More study- comparing the Scriptures to the Scriptures will reveal this truth.
Start Your Own Berean Fellowship!
A Berean Fellowship is a group of believers that are committed to searching the scriptures daily and testing what they hear others teach as being Biblically authoritative to discover whether or not what they say is actually so.